Mobilities for teachers and employees of Universities
Mobilities within EU - KA131
The Educa consortium may also send university teachers that are members of the consortium to teach at partner universities abroad for up to 5 working days, with the Erasmus+ grant.
University and college employees may also participate in trainings, Staff Week at universities, training in companies, and institutions abroad for a maximum period of 5 working days through the Erasmus+ grant.
In this academic year the consortium again obtained grants for academics and employees. They may apply for a grant through the Erasmus+ coordinator at his/her University (or college), where they obtain all the necessary information and the application to participate in the mobility.
Teaching Staff mobility has to be realized at partner universities with which individual consortium members already have the Inter-Institutional agreement Erasmus+.
Training Staff mobility can be realized in any organization including universities. In case of the university, there does not have to be signed the Inter-Institutional agreements Erasmus+. Examples of these mobilities are Staff weeks, language courses etc.
Mobilities Outside EU – KA171
Credit mobility for employees to countries outside EU is available only for Consortium members.
Within the Call 2023 we have obtained the mobilities to Somalia and Bosna and Herzegovina.
Within the Call 2024 we have obtained the mobilities only to Jordan.
We are submitting applications within each Call on the previous consultation with the respective university.
For more information please contact us at
Recently, we have submitted Final Report for project number 2020-1-CZ01-KA107-077937. There have been realised mobilities from/to Israel and from/to Ethiopia.
Wtihin the project period, the following mobilites have been realised:
In total 8 Erasmus+ mobilities from Ethiopia.
In total 6 incoming Erasmus+ Trainees from Faculty of Medicine of Addis Ababa Unviersity, Faculty of Medicine. They participated in the University Hospital Hradec Králové. Read the interview with two 6th year students-trainees Daniel and Elias here
2 incoming Erasmus+ Staff mobilities from Faculty of Medicine of Addis Ababa University to Faculty of Medicine Charles University in Hradec Králové.
In total 3 Erasmus+ Staff mobilites from/to Israel. 1 Erasmus+ Staff mobility from Tel Aviv University to Faculty of Medicine Charles University in Hradec Králové and 2 Erasmus+ Staff mobilites from Faculty of Medicine Charles University in Hradec Králové to Tel Aviv Unviersity.
Consorcium EDUCA 2021 – 2027
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Metropolitan University Prague
Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice
University of Creative Communication
University of Finance and Administration
University of Veterinary Sciences Brno
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Svatojánská kolej – Vyšší odborná škola pedagogická
The Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague
Further information:
DOCUMENTS for teachers and employees
We got you covered!
All participants of the Erasmus+ Traineeships financed by the consortium Educa International o.p.s. have to submit the ERAPO insurance.