Projects Erasmus+
Projects Erasmus+ include activities in the field of education and youth. The education includes adult education, vocational education, higher education and education in elementary schools and kindergartens. Educa’s activities are focused on participation in projects of this type, whether as a consortium Educa, or as a coordinator or partner of other projects.
This project was focused on supporting young people who have not finished their studies and have issues making their way through to the labor market. It’s been running since 2016 till 2018.
Besides its main target the project also focused on solving the matter of young immigrants, namely on their preparation for getting a job and integration in the working process.
The project was coordinated by a partner from Germany. The other participants were our partners in Norway, UK and in Educa from the Czech Republic.
The project web with detailed information is:
Our Facebook page:
More info about the project you can find in attached SLADENO project presentation.
Here is the information about EDUCA INTERNATIONAL participation in the project.