Projects Erasmus+
Projects Erasmus+ include activities in the field of education and youth. The education includes adult education, vocational education, higher education and education in elementary schools and kindergartens. Educa’s activities are focused on participation in projects of this type, whether as a consortium Educa, or as a coordinator or partner of other projects.
ATEST “Quality assessment of traineeships”
The ATEST (Assessment of Traineeships within the European credit transfer SysTem) project was proposed as a two year project to address the problem and find a recommendation for the approval of credits and also for internships. The traineeships is a part of their studies and students gain practical experience in their field of study. Through practical activities which are very important and essential to further their professional development.
The current practice used for recognition of traineeships results shows us a huge differences between universities and also within the same university.
The project coordinator was EDUCA INTERNATIONAL, o.p.s. (NGO) which is registered as an Erasmus consortium and has sufficient experiences in this field.
The reason for the project proposal is to enhance the quality and relevance of traineeships by developing an assessment and recognition of Erasmus Trainneeships for participating institutions and to also disseminate it to the other universities. The Erasmus student mobility in new Erasmus+ Program is also focused on placements/traineeships in foreign institutions. The past years have been marked as a period of intense traineeship activities. The Erasmus Placements started in 2007 and between 2007/2008 and 2009/2010, the number of Erasmus Placements has increased by 78 % (comparing to a 31 % increase in regular Erasmus student mobility). The increasing importance of Erasmus Placements/Traineeships stresses the need for quality and relevance for the assessment. While the Erasmus mobility (study program) uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), there are no rules for quality assurance based on a credit system (ECTS or other form of credits) for assessment and recognition of participation on traineeships.
More in the Final Report and ATEST User Guide.

ATEST – Assessment of Traineeships through the European Credit Transfer Systems an Erasmus+ KA2 project The project No.: 2014-1-CZ01-KA203-001834 was implemented under the coordination of Educa International (Czech Republic) in the year 2014-2016