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Projects Erasmus+

Projects Erasmus+ include activities in the field of education and youth. The education includes adult education, vocational education, higher education and education in elementary schools and kindergartens. Educa’s activities are focused on participation in projects of this type, whether as a consortium Educa, or as a coordinator or partner of other projects.

Trusted by 43 universities 1500+ MOBILITIES REALIZED Trusted by 43 universities 1500+ MOBILITIES REALIZED
Trusted by 43 universities 1500+ MOBILITIES REALIZED Trusted by 43 universities 1500+ MOBILITIES REALIZED


Assessment of Quality of Erasmus Traineeships“ (AQET)


Start of Project: 01/09/2019


End of Project: 31/08/2022


Coordinator of the project: EDUCA INTERNATIONAL o.p.s., Czech Republic










Aims of the project:


The aim of the project is to increase the quality and contribution of traineeships due to closer cooperation between companies and universities during realisation of traineeships. The final outcome will be the evaluation form (for trainees and companies) that trainees will be able to use as a recommendation for their future employer. It also enables simple evaluation of the internship for companies.


Activites realized so far:


Interim Report was submitted by the end of February 2021. Two Transnational Project Meetings were realised since the official start of the project.

First meeting was held in November 2019 at Metropolitan univerzity Praha.

The first day morning the team has introduced themselves and made a tour around the Metropolitan university Prague. In the after noon there was a presentation of the coordinator concerning the project activities supported by the National agency, presentation on funding rules, internal rules were discussed and setted out for statement of work and other administration.


In the evening the team had a guided tour through the city centre and dinner.


On the second day the team started with discussion of roles and activities necessary to be prepared for the future months and the agreement upon the schedule of our planned meetings again. The whole session has been concluded by common consensus on second meeting and scheduling an exact date when to meet in Edinburgh.

Second meeting was organized by Technische Hochschule Deggendorf in September 2020 in Deggendorf.

The second meeting was proposed for meeting in Edinburgh but due the COVID situation it was changed and Deggendorf University (DE) organised meeting for all 6 partners of which 2 partners (from Slovakia and UK) participated online through ZOOM platform. The topic of the meeting was group work. For the tasks related to our outputs and questionnaire preparations we needed to divide project members into three groups those who dealt with students, those who dealt with institutions and those who dealt with universities. Those three teams have to provide a research outputs by the next meeting concerning their researched group preferences concerning the opinion to quality of an internship requirements as well as preferable way of questionnaire form. Second task of the meeting was discussion on preparation of materials that could help us to collect and summarise peculiarities and good practices from each and every country concerning traineeships from our own experience.

Third meeting was organized by the University of Edinburgh in May 2022 in Edinburgh.

2nd and 3rd May 2022 took place in Edinburgh Transnational Project Meeting of partners within KA2 Erasmus+project AQET. This meeting took place in the University of Edinburgh in May 2022. The participants participated either face to face or online through ZOOM platform. Participants from Educa International o. p. s., Metropolitan university Prague, the University of Pavol Josef Šafárik and the University of Edinburgh participated face to face, our Spanish colleague from the University of Bilbao UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO/ EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA) stayed connected through the ZOOM. During the first day, there was planned a meeting with a representative of the Career Center of the University of Edinburgh. We were informed about detailed information about its agenda within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. During second day, we discussed the questionnaire results that would be used for the planned Intellectual Output.

Fourth meeting was organized by the Unviersity of Pavol Josef Šafárik in June 2022 in Košice, Slovakia

9th and 10th June 2022 took place in Košice Transnational Project Meeting of partners within KA2 Erasmus+project AQET.


This meeting took place in the University of Pavel Josef Šafárik in Košice in June 2022. All participants participated face to face. During the first day, there was planned the exchange of experience from work on the project. A student of French university, La Rochelle Université presented the evaluation form they are obliged to use for their Erasmus+ traineeships. This form was compared with the usually used form After Mobility document. We were inspired by some points/questions and all partners agreed on using this form as the pattern for our Final Intellectual Output.


During the second day, preparation of the final report has already been started as well as the distribution of tasks within all partners. In the end of this meeting, all partners presented their final project recommendations.

Final Transnational Project Meeting within the AQET project in Bilbao, Spain

From 4th to 6th July 2022 took place in Bilbao, Spain Final Transnational Project Meeting of partners within KA2 Erasmus+project AQET number 2019-1-CZ01-KA203-061393.


The final meeting was held in Bilbao, Spain, with the participation of all project partners, only the representative of Slovakia participated online. During the first day of this meeting, the participants introduced the draft of the final variant for the evaluation of internship participants. This presentation was followed by a presentation by a representative of the University of the Basque Country on the evaluation of internships implemented within this university.


During the second day, the final version for IO1 was discussed and presented, and the questions for the evaluation form were finally approved in two versions, while the questions and the rating system are the same – only a different form of presenting the evaluation is chosen. Thank you all for meeting again!

Meeting in The Czech Centres a Czech Centres Headquarters in Prague

Within the Erasmus+ project KA2  (Assessment of Quality of Erasmus Traineeships)  číslo 2019-1-CZ01-KA203-061393 the international meeting was held in The Czech Centres a Czech Centres Headquarters, the Czech Republic.  The following colleagues joined this meeting: Mgr. Tereza Puldová from Czech Centres Prague, representatives of the International Office of Metropolitan University Prague Metropolitní univerzity Praha – Mgr. Jana Berousková and Mgr. Martina Fantová, a representative of the University of Pavol Josef Šafárik in Košice, Mgr. Renata Timková and two representatives of the Educa International JUDr. Josef Vochozka a Mgr. Monika Kašová. Unfortunately, other project partners could not join us due to other work duties. 

The AQET project proposed the idea of ​​creating two IOs.


1) First of all, it was an evaluation form that would have a uniform informative value about the work of trainees not only in terms of professional expertise, but also an evaluation of their language and social skills. The evaluation is intended for the sending university, alternatively for the consortium in order to recognize credits (ECTS) from the traineeship, but also to recognize the legitimacy of using a grant, but a high-quality evaluation is essential for a student or graduate in order to demonstrate previous experience when looking for a job.


Questionnaire numbers

Questionnaire rating system

Questionnaire ticking


2) Another IO should have been a kind of manual for companies in accepting trainees, in order to establish certain rules for relations with trainees, including the evaluation of trainees according to uniform rules, and so that the traineehips have maximum benefit for both parties.


The AQET project application was accepted, but IO 2 was not accepted and the project contract was submitted to the coordinator with a request to implement only IO 1 and the budget was significantly reduced to approximately half of the required budget.


AQET Final Report


Concrete Output

IO 1 was fulfilled. Traineehip evaluation forms (2 variants of the form with uniform content were created and, in addition, a variant for electronic processing) were created based on the knowledge of universities, students, graduates and approached companies.


Other Result

However, a presentation of the Erasmus+ programme was prepared, focusing on the issue of traineeships oriented to institutions/companies interested in Erasmus+ traineeship activities. Information on how to work with trainees in institutions and how to proceed with the overall evaluation of trainees after the end of their internship was added.

About Us

Educa International, o.p.s. is a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational services and developing human resources.

We support qualification and further education for pedagogic staff, and organize internships for students, young employees, teachers, and trainers.