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Head office: EDUCA International, ops Na Moklině 289/16 163 00 Praha 6

Company ID: 28187172
OID Number: E10124748 
Erasmus+ Consorcium Acreditation Number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA130-HED-000006376
PIC: 946705645
No. ACCOUNT CZK: 43-2545420207 / 0100
No. ACCOUNT EUR: 43-3611770227 / 0100

Workplace: EDUCA international, ops Strojírenská 260 155 21 Prague – Zličín 2nd floor – turn to left and office is at the back of hallway.

CEO: JUDr. Josef Vochozka +420 602 293 346

Erasmus+ Traineeships,  inclusion, EU Projects KA2, Project management: Mgr. Monika Kašová:

Erasmus+ Traineeships in Czech companies, students from abroad, Erasmus+ Traineeships, Czech students and graduates abroad: +420 702 062 044 Mgr. Kateryna Marodi

On Spot Abroad podcast creator: Mgr. Emma Stašáková

General info:


Manager of social media and podcast: Chariklia Tsigaride

Supervisory Board of Educa International

Radek Eichl, (Phdr., Ph.D.) is a member of Supervisory Board of Educa International. HE works as a professor at the Charles University where he graduated. He has many experience from business, he is active in international projects. He speaks Czech, English, German, Spanish, French, Latin, Greek, Italian and Portuguese.

Václav Soukup (Mgr.) is a member of Supervisory Board of Educa International. He works as a headmaster of school in Prague. He speaks Czech, English. He graduated at Charles University in Prague.

Jozef Gáfrik (Mgr.) is a chairman of Supervisory Board of Educa INternational. He speaks Slovak, Cuech, English and German. He graduated at Charles University in Prague. e 2016 (Univerzita Karlova, právnická fakulta).

Our team

Josef Vochozka

Josef Vochozka (JUDr.) Is the director of Educa International, ops (established in 2007). Prior to this he was Director of the Tempus Office in the Czech Republic (1990-2002). In 1996 he became the Director of the Socrates National Agency (1996-2007) and was also responsible for the other EU programs. He is active in several EU projects. Josef Vochozka has lectured on issues of Europeanization and internationalization of Higher Education. Mr. Josef Vochozka was educated at Charles University (Faculty of Law). He speaks Czech (mother tongue), English and Russian.

Michal Benda

Michal Benda (Ing.) Is a member of the Supervisory Board of Educa. He is an expert in economics. Prior to this he was working in hotel management and is active in project activities as and advisor. He graduated from the School of Economics (Prague) and speaks Czech (mother tongue), German, Russian.

Monika Kašová (Mgr.) 

used to work in teaching in CZ and abroad, worked as a Comenius consultant at the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research, as the International Relations Officer at the Metropolitan Unviersity Prague. She is the external evaluator of international projects  for Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (EEA Grants and Erasmus+ programme), for SAAIC – Národná agentúra programu Erasmus (SK) and for Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação (PT). She graduated at UJEP in Ústí nad Labem, she spent two semesters abroad within the Erasmus+ Study period at Technische Universität Chemnitz and spent one school year as Comenius Teaching Assistant at Agrupamento de Escolas de São Gonçalo-Escola Básica 2. 3. de São Gonçalo v Torres Vedras in Portugal. She is responsible for Erasmus+ Traineeships and inclusion, Project management and EU projects KA2. She speaks Czech, English, Portuguese and German.

Emma Stašáková (Mgr.)  

A recent graduate of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, in the Music and Sound Design programme. During her studies at the university she completed the internship in Macedonia in the recording
studio F.A.M.E.'S. Recording studio for two consecutive years, followed by the Erasmus+ study programme at the University of Zielona Gora in Poland. She is responsible for the production of the EDUCA On Spot Abroad podcast. In addition, she is the creator of a music industry and CZ&SK scene podcast called Termostat Space.

Kateryna Marodi (Mgr.)  Graduated EVS at the University of Pavol Josef Šafárik in Košice. During her studies she participated two times within Erasmus+ Practical Traineeship. Firstly, as a student, secondly as a recent graduate at the Educa International, o.p.s. Currently, she is responsible for Erasmus+ Traineeships, students from abroad and Czech students and graduates abroad. She graduates at the Metropolitan University Prague, International Relations and European Studies in 2023. She speaks Czech, English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Justine Gault    

is a recent graduate of  Master degree of International Relations at La Rochelle Unviersité. She used to be a trainee at the Educa International from April to July 2022.

Mansi Mishra    

My name is Mansi Mishra and I am thrilled to share with you the enriching journey of my traineeship. She is currently  intern at Educa International,o.p.s. responsible for social media content and podcast. The opportunity enabled me to gain valuable insights into the field of social media content production whilst being situated in one of Europe's most vibrant cities – Prague, Czech Republic. At EDUCA O.P.S International, I was exposed to a plethora of learning opportunities that allowed me to broaden my knowledge base and hone new skills pertinent to this dynamic industry.
Furthermore, this experience has been particularly meaningful as it resonated immensely with both personal and academic pursuits. Having embarked on a second bachelor program specializing in European culture and society from Europa Universität Flensburg has created an alignment between theoretical concepts learned within academia and their practical application during the traineeship program. In conclusion, words cannot express how grateful I am for such an exhilarating experience that not only equipped me professionally but also personally uplifted me. She used to be a trainee at the Educa International from April to August 2023.

Göknur Taniyan

I did my bachelor’s degree in radio, television and cinema at Aydın Adnan Menderes University in Turkey. I am currently doing my master’s degree in the same department at Ege University. At the same time, I am working as an intern responsible for social media content at educa international with the Erasmus+ program I participated in during my education. I was already working as a social media content producer and video editor in Turkey. It is very exciting for me to consolidate this experience in a beautiful European country and gain new experiences.I am very excited and happy to have the opportunity to stay and gain experience in Prague, a wonderful city.

Chariklia Tsigaride 

Recently, she participated in a European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering project at an organisation in Wroclaw, Poland. During her volunteering experience, she enhanced social, personal, and professional skills, which motivated her to go further with her professional journey by participating in the Erasmus+ placement program through her home university. Currently, she is an MBA graduate from the University of Nicosia with an interest in marketing-social media and project management/coordination. She also participated in a Local Solidarity project, where she obtained social media skills as a social media coordinator. Her career goal is to work in an organization where she can help a community with their development. So, now, she is working as a social media trainee with project management/coordination tasks at Educa International, o.p.s.